
Oryza sativa L.

Crop Taxon:




  • Oryza sativa L.

Common name


Main synonyms:

  • Oryza glutinosa Lour.
  • Oryza communissima Lour.
  • Oryza formosana Masam.& Suzuki
  • Oryza montana Lour.

Classification references:

  • USDA, ARS, National Genetic Resources Program (2011). Germplasm Resources Information Network - (GRIN) [Online Database]. National Germplasm Resources Laboratory, Beltsville, Maryland. URL: [Accessed March 2011].
  • Vaughan, D. (1994). The Wild Relatives of Rice. A Genetic Resources Handbook. International Rice Research Institute.

Taxa used in crop breeding


Abiotic Stress

Acidic Soil Tolerance
Crop Ontology Trait ID: CO_320

Acidic Soil Tolerance

Oryza rufipogon : Nguyen, B., Brar, D., Bui, B., Nguyen, T., Pham, L. and Nguyen, H. (2003). Identification and mapping of the QTL for aluminium tolerance introgressed from the new source, Oryza rufipogon Griff, into indica rice (Oryza sativa L.). Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 106: 583:593.

Aluminum Tolerance
Crop Ontology Trait ID: CO_320

Aluminum Tolerance

Oryza rufipogon : Nguyen, B., Brar, D., Bui, B., Nguyen, T., Pham, L. and Nguyen, H. (2003). Identification and mapping of the QTL for aluminium tolerance introgressed from the new source, Oryza rufipogon Griff, into indica rice (Oryza sativa L.). Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 106: 583:593.

Cold Tolerance
Crop Ontology Trait ID: CO_320:0000057

Cold Tolerance

Oryza rufipogon : Song, Z., Li, B., Chen, J. and Lu, B._R., (2005). Genetic diversity and conservation of common wild rice (Oryza rufipogon) in ChinAllium Plant SpeciesBiology, 20: 83Ð92.

Drought Tolerance
Crop Ontology Trait ID: CO_320:0000060

Drought Tolerance

Oryza glaberrima : IRRI (2007). Annual Report of the Director General, 2006:07. Project 1, Germplasm conservation, characterization, documentation, and exchange. International Rice Research Institute, Manila, Philippines. [Accessed 26 August 2011]

Oryza longistaminata : Hajjar, R., and Hodgkin, T. (2007). The use of wild relatives in crop improvement: a survey of developments over the last 20 years. Euphytica,156(1-2), 1-13.

Oryza rufipogon : Hu, B., Yu, S., Wan, Y., Zhang, Z., Qiu, B., and Xie, J. (2007). Drought-resistance identification of dongxiang common wild rice Oryza rufipogon Griff. in whole growth period.

Iron Tolerance
Crop Ontology Trait ID: CO_320

Iron Tolerance

Oryza glaberrima : Brar, D.S. and Khush, G.S., 2002. Transferring Genes from Wild Species into Rice. In M. S. Kang, ed. Quantitative genetics, genomics and plant breeding. Oxon, UK: CABI Pub., pp. 197Ð217.

Soil Salinity Tolerance
Crop Ontology Trait ID: CO_320:0000066

Soil Salinity Tolerance

Oryza coarctata : Atwell, B. J., Wang, H., and Scafaro, A. P. (2014). Could abiotic stress tolerance in wild relatives of rice be used to improve Oryza sativa?. Plant Science, 215, 48-58.

Oryza rufipogon : Atwell, B. J., Wang, H., and Scafaro, A. P. (2014). Could abiotic stress tolerance in wild relatives of rice be used to improve Oryza sativa?. Plant Science, 215, 48-58.

Agronomic Trait

Glume Length
Crop Ontology Trait ID: CO_320:0000042

Glume Length

Oryza rufipogon : Uga, Y., Fukuta, Y., Cai, H. W., Iwata, H., Ohsawa, R., Morishima, H., and Fujimura, T. (2003). Mapping QTLs influencing rice floral morphology using recombinant inbred lines derived from a cross between Oryza sativa L. and Oryza rufipogon Griff. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 107(2), 218-226.

Glume Opening Angle
Crop Ontology Trait ID: CO_320:0000094

Glume Opening Angle

Oryza rufipogon : Uga, Y., Fukuta, Y., Cai, H. W., Iwata, H., Ohsawa, R., Morishima, H., and Fujimura, T. (2003). Mapping QTLs influencing rice floral morphology using recombinant inbred lines derived from a cross between Oryza sativa L. and Oryza rufipogon Griff. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 107(2), 218-226.

Grain Length
Crop Ontology Trait ID: CO_320:0000004

Grain Length

Oryza rufipogon : Xie, X., Song, M. H., Jin, F., Ahn, S. N., Suh, J. P., HWang, H. G., and McCouch, S. R. (2006). Fine mapping of a grain weight quantitative trait locus on rice chromosome 8 using near-isogenic lines derived from a cross between Oryza sativa and Oryza rufipogon. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 113(5), 885-894.

Grains per panicle
Crop Ontology Trait ID: CO_320:0000090

Grains per panicle

Oryza rufipogon : Thomson, M. J., Tai, T. H., McClung, A. M., Lai, X. H., Hinga, M. E., Lobos, K. B., ... and McCouch, S. R. (2003). Mapping quantitative trait loci for yield, yield components and morphological traits in an advanced backcross population between Oryza rufipogon and the Oryza sativa cultivar Jefferson.Theoretical and applied genetics, 107(3), 479-493.

Nitrogen Use Efficiency
Crop Ontology Trait ID: CO_320

Nitrogen Use Efficiency

Oryza glaberrima : Jones, M. P., Dingkuhn, M., Aluko, G. K., and Semon, M. (1997). Interspecific Oryza sativa L. x O. glaberrima Steud. progenies in upland rice improvement.Euphytica, 94(2), 237-246.

Panicle Number
Crop Ontology Trait ID: CO_320:0000009

Panicle Number

Oryza glumipatula : Brondani, L.R. and Ferreira, M.E. (2002). QTL mapping and introgression of yield-related traits from Oryza glumaepatula to cultivated rice (Oryza sativa) using microsatellite markers. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 104: 1102:1203.

Oryza rufipogon : Marri, P. R., Sarla, N., Reddy, L. V., and Siddiq, E. A. (2005). Identification and mapping of yield and yield related QTLs from an Indian accession of Oryza rufipogon. BMC genetics, 6(1), 33.

Plant Height
Crop Ontology Trait ID: CO_320:0000076

Plant Height

Oryza rufipogon : Marri, P. R., Sarla, N., Reddy, L. V., and Siddiq, E. A. (2005). Identification and mapping of yield and yield related QTLs from an Indian accession of Oryza rufipogon. BMC genetics, 6(1), 33.

Seed Weight
Crop Ontology Trait ID: CO_320:0000100

Seed Weight

Oryza grandiglumis : Yoon, D.B., Kang. K.-H., Kim, H.-J., Hong, S.-M., Ju, H.-G. and Ahu S.-N. (2005). Confirmation and identification of additional QTL for grain traits using an advanced backcross line from a cross between Oryza sativa and O. grandiglumis. Korean Journal of Breeding, 37: 101:108.

Oryza minuta : Xing, Q., Zhao, B., Xu, K., Yang, H., Liu, X., Wang, S., Jin, D., Yuan, L. and Wang, B. (2004). Test of agronomic characteristics and amplified fragment length polymorphism analysis of new rice germplasm developed from transformation of genomic DNA of distant relatives. Plant Molecular Biology Reporter, 22(2): 155:164.

Oryza rufipogon : Thomson, M. J., Tai, T. H., McClung, A. M., Lai, X. H., Hinga, M. E., Lobos, K. B., ... and McCouch, S. R. (2003). Mapping quantitative trait loci for yield, yield components and morphological traits in an advanced backcross population between Oryza rufipogon and the Oryza sativa cultivar Jefferson.Theoretical and applied genetics, 107(3), 479-493.

Spikelet Fertility
Crop Ontology Trait ID: CO_320:0000090

Spikelet Fertility

Oryza grandiglumis : Yoon, D.B., Kang. K.-H., Kim, H.-J., Hong, S.-M., Ju, H.-G. and Ahu S.-N. (2005). Confirmation and identification of additional QTL for grain traits using an advanced backcross line from a cross between Oryza sativa and O. grandiglumis. Korean Journal of Breeding, 37: 101:108.

Oryza minuta : Xing, Q., Zhao, B., Xu, K., Yang, H., Liu, X., Wang, S., Jin, D., Yuan, L. and Wang, B. (2004). Test of agronomic characteristics and amplified fragment length polymorphism analysis of new rice germplasm developed from transformation of genomic DNA of distant relatives. Plant Molecular Biology Reporter, 22(2): 155:164.

Oryza rufipogon : Tan, L., Liu, F., Xue, W., Wang, G., Ye, S., Zhu, Z., ... and Sun, C. (2007). Development of Oryza rufipogon and O. sativa Introgression Lines and Assessment for Yield_related Quantitative Trait Loci. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 49(6), 871-884.

Tiller Number
Crop Ontology Trait ID: CO_320:0000079

Tiller Number

Oryza glumipatula : Brondani, L.R. and Ferreira, M.E. (2002). QTL mapping and introgression of yield-related traits from Oryza glumaepatula to cultivated rice (Oryza sativa) using microsatellite markers. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 104: 1102:1203.

Oryza rufipogon : Marri, P. R., Sarla, N., Reddy, L. V., and Siddiq, E. A. (2005). Identification and mapping of yield and yield related QTLs from an Indian accession of Oryza rufipogon. BMC genetics, 6(1), 33.

Time to Heading
Crop Ontology Trait ID: CO_320:0000088

Time to Heading

Oryza grandiglumis : Yoon, D.B., Kang. K.-H., Kim, H.-J., Hong, S.-M., Ju, H.-G. and Ahu S.-N. (2005). Confirmation and identification of additional QTL for grain traits using an advanced backcross line from a cross between Oryza sativa and O. grandiglumis. Korean Journal of Breeding, 37: 101:108.

Yield Improvement
Crop Ontology Trait ID: CO_320:0000073

Yield Improvement

Oryza grandiglumis : Yoon, D.B., Kang. K.-H., Kim, H.-J., Hong, S.-M., Ju, H.-G. and Ahu S.-N. (2005). Confirmation and identification of additional QTL for grain traits using an advanced backcross line from a cross between Oryza sativa and O. grandiglumis. Korean Journal of Breeding, 37: 101:108.

Oryza longistaminata : Brar, D.S. (2005). Broadening the gene pool of rice through introgression from wild species. In: Rice is life: scientific perspectives for the 21st century. Proceedings of the World Rice Research Conference held in Tsukuba, Japan, 4:7 November 2004, (eds. Toriyama, K., Heong, K.L. and Hardy, B.). Pp. 157:160. International Rice Research Institute, Philippines.

Oryza rufipogon : Sabu, K. K., Abdullah, M. Z., Lim, L. S., and Wickneswari, R. (2009). Analysis of heritability and genetic variability of agronomically important traits in Oryza sativa x O. rufipogon cross. Agron. Res, 7(1), 97-102.

Biotic Stress

Bacterial Blight Resistance
Crop Ontology Trait ID: CO_320:0000173

Bacterial Blight Resistance

Oryza australiensis : Multani, D.S., Jena, K.K., Brar, D.S., de los Reyes, B.C., Angeles, E.R. and Khush, G.S. (1994). Development of monosomic alien addition lines and introgression of genes from O. australiensis, Domin. to cultivated rice O. sativa. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 88: 102:109.

Oryza brachyantha : Brar, D.S. and Khush, G.S., (1997). Alien introgression in rice. PlantMolecularBiology, 35: 35Ð47

Oryza latifolia : Brar, D.S. (2005). Broadening the gene pool of rice through introgression from wild species. In: Rice is life: scientific perspectives for the 21st century. Proceedings of the World Rice Research Conference held in Tsukuba, Japan, 4:7 November 2004, (eds. Toriyama, K., Heong, K.L. and Hardy, B.). Pp. 157:160. International Rice Research Institute, Philippines.

Oryza longistaminata : Brar, D.S. (2005). Broadening the gene pool of rice through introgression from wild species. In: Rice is life: scientific perspectives for the 21st century. Proceedings of the World Rice Research Conference held in Tsukuba, Japan, 4:7 November 2004, (eds. Toriyama, K., Heong, K.L. and Hardy, B.). Pp. 157:160. International Rice Research Institute, Philippines.

Oryza minuta : Brar, D.S. and Khush, G.S., (1997). Alien introgression in rice. PlantMolecularBiology, 35: 35Ð47

Oryza nivara : Jena, K. K. (2010). The species of the genus Oryza and transfer of useful genes from wild species into cultivated rice, O. sativa. Breeding Science,60(5), 518-523.

Oryza officinalis : Brar, D.S. and Khush, G.S., (1997). Alien introgression in rice. PlantMolecularBiology, 35: 35Ð47

Oryza rufipogon : Jena, K. K. (2010). The species of the genus Oryza and transfer of useful genes from wild species into cultivated rice, O. sativa. Breeding Science,60(5), 518-523.

Black-Streaked Dwarf Virus Resistance
Crop Ontology Trait ID: CO_320

Black-Streaked Dwarf Virus Resistance

Oryza glumipatula : Naredo, M. E. B., Juliano, A. B., Lu, B. R., and Jackson, M. T. (1998). Taxonomic status of Oryza glumaepatula Steud. II. Hybridization between New World diploids and AA genome species from Asia and Australia.Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, 45(3), 205-214.

Blast Resistance
Crop Ontology Trait ID: CO_320:0000176

Blast Resistance

Oryza australiensis : Jena, K. K. (2010). The species of the genus Oryza and transfer of useful genes from wild species into cultivated rice, O. sativa. Breeding Science,60(5), 518-523.

Oryza minuta : Amante-Bordeos, A., Sitch, L.A., Nelson, R., Dalmacio, R.D., Oliva, N.F., Aswidinnoor, H. and Leung. H. (1992). Transfer of bacterial blight and blast resistance from the tetraploid wild rice O. minuta to cultivated rice, O. sativa. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 84: 345:354.

Oryza nivara : Prescott-Allen, R. and Prescott-Allen, C. (1988). Genes From the Wild: Using Wild Genetic Resources for Food and Raw Materials. 2nd edn. International Institute for Environment and Development/Earthscan Publications, London.

Brown Planthopper Resistance
Crop Ontology Trait ID: CO_320:0000196

Brown Planthopper Resistance

Oryza australiensis : Jena, K. K. (2010). The species of the genus Oryza and transfer of useful genes from wild species into cultivated rice, O. sativa. Breeding Science,60(5), 518-523.

Oryza latifolia : Brar, D.S. and Khush, G.S., (1997). Alien introgression in rice. PlantMolecularBiology, 35: 35Ð47

Oryza minuta : Brar, D.S. (2005). Broadening the gene pool of rice through introgression from wild species. In: Rice is life: scientific perspectives for the 21st century. Proceedings of the World Rice Research Conference held in Tsukuba, Japan, 4:7 November 2004, (eds. Toriyama, K., Heong, K.L. and Hardy, B.). Pp. 157:160. International Rice Research Institute, Philippines.

Oryza officinalis : Brar, D.S. (2005). Broadening the gene pool of rice through introgression from wild species. In: Rice is life: scientific perspectives for the 21st century. Proceedings of the World Rice Research Conference held in Tsukuba, Japan, 4:7 November 2004, (eds. Toriyama, K., Heong, K.L. and Hardy, B.). Pp. 157:160. International Rice Research Institute, Philippines.

Oryza rufipogon : Li, R., Li, L., Wei, S., Wei, Y., Chen, Y., Bai, D., ... and Li, X. (2010). The evaluation and utilization of new genes for brown planthopper resistance in common wild rice (Oryza rufipogon Griff.). Molecular Entomology, 1.

Grassy Stunt Resistance
Crop Ontology Trait ID: CO_320:0000179

Grassy Stunt Resistance

Oryza longistaminata : Brar, D.S. and Khush, G.S., (1997). Alien introgression in rice. PlantMolecularBiology, 35: 35Ð47

Oryza nivara : Jena, K. K. (2010). The species of the genus Oryza and transfer of useful genes from wild species into cultivated rice, O. sativa. Breeding Science,60(5), 518-523.

Sheath Blight Resistance
Crop Ontology Trait ID: CO_320:0000189

Sheath Blight Resistance

Oryza minuta : Brar, D.S. and Khush, G.S., (1997). Alien introgression in rice. PlantMolecularBiology, 35: 35Ð47

Tungro Resistance
Crop Ontology Trait ID: CO_320:0000184

Tungro Resistance

Oryza rufipogon : Brar, D.S. (2005). Broadening the gene pool of rice through introgression from wild species. In: Rice is life: scientific perspectives for the 21st century. Proceedings of the World Rice Research Conference held in Tsukuba, Japan, 4:7 November 2004, (eds. Toriyama, K., Heong, K.L. and Hardy, B.). Pp. 157:160. International Rice Research Institute, Philippines.

Whitebacked Planthopper Resistance
Crop Ontology Trait ID: CO_320:0000211

Whitebacked Planthopper Resistance

Oryza officinalis : Brar, D.S. and Khush, G.S., (1997). Alien introgression in rice. PlantMolecularBiology, 35: 35Ð47

Fertility Trait

Cytoplasmic Male Sterility
Crop Ontology Trait ID: CO_320:0000158

Cytoplasmic Male Sterility

Oryza glumipatula : Dalmacio, R., Brar, D. S., Ishii, T., Sitch, L. A., Virmani, S. S., and Khush, G. S. (1995). Identification and transfer of a new cytoplasmic male sterility source from Oryza perennis into indica rice (O. sativa). Euphytica, 82(3), 221-225.

Oryza nivara : Hoan, N.T., Sarma, N.P. and Siddiq, E.A. (1997). Identification and characterization of new sources of cytoplasmic male sterility in rice. Plant Breeding, 116: 547:551

Oryza rufipogon : Virmani, S. and Shinjyo, C. (1988). Current status of analysis and symbols for male sterile cytoplasms and fertility restoring genes. Rice Genetics Newsletters, 5: 9:15.

Morphological Trait

Anther Length
Crop Ontology Trait ID: CO_320:0000150

Anther Length

Oryza rufipogon : Uga, Y., Fukuta, Y., Cai, H. W., Iwata, H., Ohsawa, R., Morishima, H., and Fujimura, T. (2003). Mapping QTLs influencing rice floral morphology using recombinant inbred lines derived from a cross between Oryza sativa L. and Oryza rufipogon Griff. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 107(2), 218-226.

Panicle Length
Crop Ontology Trait ID: CO_320:0000033

Panicle Length

Oryza grandiglumis : Yoon, D.B., Kang. K.-H., Kim, H.-J., Hong, S.-M., Ju, H.-G. and Ahu S.-N. (2005). Confirmation and identification of additional QTL for grain traits using an advanced backcross line from a cross between Oryza sativa and O. grandiglumis. Korean Journal of Breeding, 37: 101:108.

Oryza rufipogon : Marri, P. R., Sarla, N., Reddy, L. V., and Siddiq, E. A. (2005). Identification and mapping of yield and yield related QTLs from an Indian accession of Oryza rufipogon. BMC genetics, 6(1), 33.

Phenological Trait

Days to Maturity
Crop Ontology Trait ID: CO_320:0000082

Days to Maturity

Oryza rufipogon : Moncada, P., Martinez, C. P., Borrero, J., Ch‰tel, M., Gauch Jr, H., Guimaraes, E., ... and McCouch, S. R. (2001). Quantitative trait loci for yield and yield components in an Oryza sativa_ Oryza rufipogon BC2F2 population evaluated in an upland environment. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 102(1), 41-52.

Early Morning Flowering
Crop Ontology Trait ID: CO_320:0000062

Early Morning Flowering

Oryza officinalis : Ishimaru, T., Hirabayashi, H., Ida, M., Takai, T., San-Oh, Y. A., Yoshinaga, S., ... and Kondo, M. (2010). A genetic resource for early-morning flowering trait of wild rice Oryza officinalis to mitigate high temperature-induced spikelet sterility at anthesis. Annals of botany, 106(3), 515-520.

Rapid Leaf Canopy Establishment
Crop Ontology Trait ID: CO_320

Rapid Leaf Canopy Establishment

Oryza glaberrima : Jones, M. P., Dingkuhn, M., Aluko, G. K., and Semon, M. (1997). Interspecific Oryza sativa L. x O. glaberrima Steud. progenies in upland rice improvement.Euphytica, 94(2), 237-246.

Quality Trait

Amylose Content
Crop Ontology Trait ID: (blank)

Amylose Content

Oryza rufipogon : Jena, K. K. (2010). The species of the genus Oryza and transfer of useful genes from wild species into cultivated rice, O. sativa. Breeding Science,60(5), 518-523.

Protein Content
Crop Ontology Trait ID: CO_320:0000111

Protein Content

Oryza nivara : Atwell, B. J., Wang, H., and Scafaro, A. P. (2014). Could abiotic stress tolerance in wild relatives of rice be used to improve Oryza sativa?. Plant Science, 215, 48-58.

Seed Thickness
Crop Ontology Trait ID: CO_320:0000005

Seed Thickness

Oryza grandiglumis : Yoon, D.B., Kang. K.-H., Kim, H.-J., Hong, S.-M., Ju, H.-G. and Ahu S.-N. (2005). Confirmation and identification of additional QTL for grain traits using an advanced backcross line from a cross between Oryza sativa and O. grandiglumis. Korean Journal of Breeding, 37: 101:108.


Abiotic Stress

Acidic Soil Tolerance
Crop Ontology Trait ID: CO_320

Acidic Soil Tolerance

Oryza glaberrima : Brar, D.S. and Khush, G.S., 2002. Transferring Genes from Wild Species into Rice. In M. S. Kang, ed. Quantitative genetics, genomics and plant breeding. Oxon, UK: CABI Pub., pp. 197Ð217.

Aluminum Tolerance
Crop Ontology Trait ID: CO_320

Aluminum Tolerance

Oryza glaberrima : Brar, D.S. and Khush, G.S., 2002. Transferring Genes from Wild Species into Rice. In M. S. Kang, ed. Quantitative genetics, genomics and plant breeding. Oxon, UK: CABI Pub., pp. 197Ð217.

Cold Tolerance
Crop Ontology Trait ID: CO_320:0000057

Cold Tolerance

Oryza meyeriana var. granulata : Atwell, B. J., Wang, H., and Scafaro, A. P. (2014). Could abiotic stress tolerance in wild relatives of rice be used to improve Oryza sativa?. Plant Science, 215, 48-58.

Drought Tolerance
Crop Ontology Trait ID: CO_320:0000060

Drought Tolerance

Oryza australiensis : Atwell, B. J., Wang, H., and Scafaro, A. P. (2014). Could abiotic stress tolerance in wild relatives of rice be used to improve Oryza sativa?. Plant Science, 215, 48-58.

Oryza barthii : Atwell, B. J., Wang, H., and Scafaro, A. P. (2014). Could abiotic stress tolerance in wild relatives of rice be used to improve Oryza sativa?. Plant Science, 215, 48-58.

Oryza glaberrima : Atwell, B. J., Wang, H., and Scafaro, A. P. (2014). Could abiotic stress tolerance in wild relatives of rice be used to improve Oryza sativa?. Plant Science, 215, 48-58.

Oryza longistaminata : Atwell, B. J., Wang, H., and Scafaro, A. P. (2014). Could abiotic stress tolerance in wild relatives of rice be used to improve Oryza sativa?. Plant Science, 215, 48-58.

Oryza punctata : Atwell, B. J., Wang, H., and Scafaro, A. P. (2014). Could abiotic stress tolerance in wild relatives of rice be used to improve Oryza sativa?. Plant Science, 215, 48-58.

Heat Tolerance
Crop Ontology Trait ID: CO_320:0000062

Heat Tolerance

Oryza australiensis : Atwell, B. J., Wang, H., and Scafaro, A. P. (2014). Could abiotic stress tolerance in wild relatives of rice be used to improve Oryza sativa?. Plant Science, 215, 48-58.

Oryza barthii : Atwell, B. J., Wang, H., and Scafaro, A. P. (2014). Could abiotic stress tolerance in wild relatives of rice be used to improve Oryza sativa?. Plant Science, 215, 48-58.

Oryza glaberrima : Atwell, B. J., Wang, H., and Scafaro, A. P. (2014). Could abiotic stress tolerance in wild relatives of rice be used to improve Oryza sativa?. Plant Science, 215, 48-58.

Oryza longistaminata : Atwell, B. J., Wang, H., and Scafaro, A. P. (2014). Could abiotic stress tolerance in wild relatives of rice be used to improve Oryza sativa?. Plant Science, 215, 48-58.

Oryza meridionalis : Atwell, B. J., Wang, H., and Scafaro, A. P. (2014). Could abiotic stress tolerance in wild relatives of rice be used to improve Oryza sativa?. Plant Science, 215, 48-58.

Soil Salinity Tolerance
Crop Ontology Trait ID: CO_320:0000066

Soil Salinity Tolerance

Oryza coarctata : Jena, K. K. (2010). The species of the genus Oryza and transfer of useful genes from wild species into cultivated rice, O. sativa. Breeding Science,60(5), 518-523.

Submergence Tolerance
Crop Ontology Trait ID: CO_320:0000067

Submergence Tolerance

Oryza eichingeri : Atwell, B. J., Wang, H., and Scafaro, A. P. (2014). Could abiotic stress tolerance in wild relatives of rice be used to improve Oryza sativa?. Plant Science, 215, 48-58.

Oryza rhizomatis : Atwell, B. J., Wang, H., and Scafaro, A. P. (2014). Could abiotic stress tolerance in wild relatives of rice be used to improve Oryza sativa?. Plant Science, 215, 48-58.

Agronomic Trait

Aerobic Soil Tolerance
Crop Ontology Trait ID: CO_320

Aerobic Soil Tolerance

Oryza meyeriana var. granulata : Jena, K. K. (2010). The species of the genus Oryza and transfer of useful genes from wild species into cultivated rice, O. sativa. Breeding Science,60(5), 518-523.

Crop Ontology Trait ID: CO_320:0000077


Oryza alta : Jena, K. K. (2010). The species of the genus Oryza and transfer of useful genes from wild species into cultivated rice, O. sativa. Breeding Science,60(5), 518-523.

Oryza grandiglumis : Ram, S. G., Thiruvengadam, V., and Vinod, K. K. (2007). Genetic diversity among cultivars, landraces and wild relatives of rice as revealed by microsatellite markers. Journal of applied genetics, 48(4), 337-345.

Oryza latifolia : Ram, S. G., Thiruvengadam, V., and Vinod, K. K. (2007). Genetic diversity among cultivars, landraces and wild relatives of rice as revealed by microsatellite markers. Journal of applied genetics, 48(4), 337-345.

Nitrogen Use Efficiency
Crop Ontology Trait ID: CO_320

Nitrogen Use Efficiency

Oryza meridionalis : Atwell, B. J., Wang, H., and Scafaro, A. P. (2014). Could abiotic stress tolerance in wild relatives of rice be used to improve Oryza sativa?. Plant Science, 215, 48-58.

Biotic Stress

Bacterial Blight Resistance
Crop Ontology Trait ID: CO_320:0000173

Bacterial Blight Resistance

Oryza longiglumis : Jena, K. K. (2010). The species of the genus Oryza and transfer of useful genes from wild species into cultivated rice, O. sativa. Breeding Science,60(5), 518-523.

Oryza minuta : Ram, S. G., Thiruvengadam, V., and Vinod, K. K. (2007). Genetic diversity among cultivars, landraces and wild relatives of rice as revealed by microsatellite markers. Journal of applied genetics, 48(4), 337-345.

Oryza ridleyi : Jena, K. K. (2010). The species of the genus Oryza and transfer of useful genes from wild species into cultivated rice, O. sativa. Breeding Science,60(5), 518-523.

Blast Resistance
Crop Ontology Trait ID: CO_320:0000176

Blast Resistance

Oryza longiglumis : Jena, K. K. (2010). The species of the genus Oryza and transfer of useful genes from wild species into cultivated rice, O. sativa. Breeding Science,60(5), 518-523.

Oryza ridleyi : Jena, K. K. (2010). The species of the genus Oryza and transfer of useful genes from wild species into cultivated rice, O. sativa. Breeding Science,60(5), 518-523.

Brown Planthopper Resistance
Crop Ontology Trait ID: CO_320:0000196

Brown Planthopper Resistance

Oryza eichingeri : Jena, K. K. (2010). The species of the genus Oryza and transfer of useful genes from wild species into cultivated rice, O. sativa. Breeding Science,60(5), 518-523.

Oryza meyeriana var. granulata : Brar, D.S. and Khush, G.S., (1997). Alien introgression in rice. PlantMolecularBiology, 35: 35Ð47

Oryza punctata : Jena, K. K. (2010). The species of the genus Oryza and transfer of useful genes from wild species into cultivated rice, O. sativa. Breeding Science,60(5), 518-523.

Green Leafhopper Resistance
Crop Ontology Trait ID: CO_320:0000200

Green Leafhopper Resistance

Oryza eichingeri : Jena, K. K. (2010). The species of the genus Oryza and transfer of useful genes from wild species into cultivated rice, O. sativa. Breeding Science,60(5), 518-523.

Oryza minuta : Ram, S. G., Thiruvengadam, V., and Vinod, K. K. (2007). Genetic diversity among cultivars, landraces and wild relatives of rice as revealed by microsatellite markers. Journal of applied genetics, 48(4), 337-345.

Oryza officinalis : Jena, K. K. (2010). The species of the genus Oryza and transfer of useful genes from wild species into cultivated rice, O. sativa. Breeding Science,60(5), 518-523.

Sheath Blight Resistance
Crop Ontology Trait ID: CO_320:0000189

Sheath Blight Resistance

Oryza minuta : Jena, K. K. (2010). The species of the genus Oryza and transfer of useful genes from wild species into cultivated rice, O. sativa. Breeding Science,60(5), 518-523.

Stem Borer Resistance
Crop Ontology Trait ID: CO_320:0000208

Stem Borer Resistance

Oryza alta : Jena, K. K. (2010). The species of the genus Oryza and transfer of useful genes from wild species into cultivated rice, O. sativa. Breeding Science,60(5), 518-523.

Oryza brachyantha : Brar, D.S. and Khush, G.S., (1997). Alien introgression in rice. PlantMolecularBiology, 35: 35Ð47

Oryza ridleyi : Brar, D.S. and Khush, G.S., (1997). Alien introgression in rice. PlantMolecularBiology, 35: 35Ð47

Tungro Resistance
Crop Ontology Trait ID: CO_320:0000184

Tungro Resistance

Oryza officinalis : Brar, D.S. and Khush, G.S., (1997). Alien introgression in rice. PlantMolecularBiology, 35: 35Ð47

Oryza rufipogon : Brar, D.S. and Khush, G.S., (1997). Alien introgression in rice. PlantMolecularBiology, 35: 35Ð47

White Backed Planthopper Resistance
Crop Ontology Trait ID: CO_320:0000211

White Backed Planthopper Resistance

Oryza eichingeri : Jena, K. K. (2010). The species of the genus Oryza and transfer of useful genes from wild species into cultivated rice, O. sativa. Breeding Science,60(5), 518-523.

Oryza minuta : Ram, S. G., Thiruvengadam, V., and Vinod, K. K. (2007). Genetic diversity among cultivars, landraces and wild relatives of rice as revealed by microsatellite markers. Journal of applied genetics, 48(4), 337-345.

Oryza officinalis : Ram, S. G., Thiruvengadam, V., and Vinod, K. K. (2007). Genetic diversity among cultivars, landraces and wild relatives of rice as revealed by microsatellite markers. Journal of applied genetics, 48(4), 337-345.

Zigzag Leafhopper Resistance
Crop Ontology Trait ID: CO_320

Zigzag Leafhopper Resistance

Oryza punctata : Jena, K. K. (2010). The species of the genus Oryza and transfer of useful genes from wild species into cultivated rice, O. sativa. Breeding Science,60(5), 518-523.

Quality Trait

Micronutrients Content
Crop Ontology Trait ID: CO_320

Micronutrients Content

Oryza australiensis : Atwell, B. J., Wang, H., and Scafaro, A. P. (2014). Could abiotic stress tolerance in wild relatives of rice be used to improve Oryza sativa?. Plant Science, 215, 48-58.

Oryza meridionalis : Atwell, B. J., Wang, H., and Scafaro, A. P. (2014). Could abiotic stress tolerance in wild relatives of rice be used to improve Oryza sativa?. Plant Science, 215, 48-58.

CWR Checklist Citation:

Vincent, H. et al. (2013) A prioritized crop wild relative inventory to help underpin global food security. Biological Conservation 167: 265–275.

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